Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

laminae laryngis (par)

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Top level systema respiratorium Short Extended
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Current level laminae laryngis (par)
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
16116 Tax
laminae laryngis (par)
layers of larynx (pair)
tunica adventitia laryngis (par)
adventitia of larynx (pair)
55239 2913
membrana fibroelastica laryngis (par)
fibroelastic membrane of larynx (pair)
55247 2914
membrana quadrangularis (par)
quadrangular membrane (pair)
64147 2915
ligamentum vestibulare (par)
vestibular ligament (pair)
55250 2916
conus elasticus (par); membrana cricovocalis (par)
conus elasticus (pair); cricovocal membrane (pair)
55244 2917
ligamentum vocale (par)
vocal ligament (pair)
59662 2911
tunica mucosa laryngis (par)
mucosa of larynx (pair); mucous membrane of larynx (pair)
71626 2912
glandulae laryngeales (par); glandulae laryngeae (par)
laryngeal glands (pair)
265146 16124 Tax
lamina propria mucosae laryngis (par)
proper layer of mucosa of larynx (pair)
16125 Tax
lamina epithelialis mucosae laryngis (par)
epithelial layer of mucosa of larynx (pair)
11 lines
72.7 %
54.5 %
Scientific notes
Date: 27.05.2024